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Essential Objects

ClassDesc­rip­tionPartA physical brick in the world.ModelA container for Parts.FolderA container for Scripts and value objects.ScriptA container for Lua source code.LocalS­cript

Roblox Ultimate Lifting Simulator Wiki

A Script that runs its code on a client.

Basic math functions

Oper­ationDesc­rip­tiona + bAdds a and b.a - bSubtract a and b.a * bMultiply a and b.a / bDivides a by b.a % bRemainder of a divided by b.Func­tionDesc­rip­tionmath.random(n)Returns random number from 1 to n (no negati­ves).math.random(a, b)Returns random number from a to b.math.max(...)Returns the largest number.math.min(...)Returns the smallest number.math.floor(n)Rounds n down.math.ceil(n)Rounds n up.math.abs(n)Returns absolute value of n.math.sqrt(n)Returns square root of n.math.piApprox equal to 3.14159It's important to work out problems by hand before transl­ating their solutions into code. Algebra is necessary for success. Read about all math functions here.

String functions

Oper­ationDesc­rip­tiona .. bCombine two strings.Func­tionDesc­rip­tionstring.len(str)Returns length of str.string.upper(str)Returns str in upper-­case.string.lower(str)Returns str in lower-­case.string.reverse(str)Returns str in reverse.string.rep(str, n)Returns str repeated n timesstring.sub(str, a, b)Return sub-string of str from a to b.A string is a collection of charac­ters, or text. An example of a string property is the Name property. Read all string manipu­lation functions here.


local list = {1, 2, 3}
local firstNum = list[1]
list[2] = 4
print('There are ' .. #list .. ' numbers')
local total = 0
for i = 1, #list do
total = total + list[i]
print('The total is ' .. total)
Tables are a collection of values. They are defined using curly braces {} with values separated by commas. Access the values inside using square brackets []. Tables are sometimes called arra­ys. Use a for loop to work with all items in a table indivi­dually. The :GetCh­ild­ren() method returns a table of children in an object.


gameParent of all game services.workspaceContainer for all bricks and models are stored.scriptThe currently running script.

Finding Objects

Use a period to access an object's children. Use .Parent to access an object's parent. Use constants like game, workspace, and script to identify objects in the hierarchy.

Creating objects

How do I create an object?Using Insta­­w(c­lass) and setting the parent:
object.Parent = parentHow do I access an object's proper­ties?Use a period (.):
print(object.Name)How do I set an object's proper­ties?Use a period (.) and equals sign (=):
part.Transparency = .5How do I destroy an object?Using objec­t:D­est­roy()How do I copy a preexi­sting object?Using objec­t:C­lone() and setting the parent:
newTree = workspace.Tree:Clone()
newTree.Parent = workspace

General Object Functions

Method nameDesc­rip­tion:FindFirstChild(name)Y roblox ultimate lifting simulator 2020Return a child with name or nil if it doesn't exist.:WaitForChild(name)Pauses until a child with a name exists and returns it.:IsA(className)Return whether the object is a certain type of object.:Clone()Makes and returns a copy of an object.:Destroy()Perman­ently delete an object.:GetChildren()Return a list of an object's children.These are functions (aka methods) for all classes of ROBLOX objects. Read about all methods here.

Event basics

function onTouch(part)
print(part.Name .. ' touched me!')
Events are specific occurr­ences relating to objects. When an event fires, or occurs, all connected functions are called.

Basic functions

wait(n)Wait n seconds then continue.print(...)Display something in the Output window.


local myScore = 5
myScore = myScore + 1
local myName = 'Ozzy'
print('My name is ' .. myName)
Variables store data of any kind - numbers, strings, tables, objects or nil (nothing). A local variable is only accessible in the block of code it is defined in.

If statements

if workspace:FindFirstChild('Tree') then
print('There is a tree here.')
if coins < 5 then
print('You need more money.')
print('You have enough money!')
if player.Name 'Jake' then
print('You are an awesome guy, Jake')
elseif player.Name 'Sally' then
print('You are a sweetheart, Sally')
print('You are a pretty cool person')
If statements will run their code if the value between if­/­then is true (or not nil). They can one an else block, or any number of elseif blocks.


Numeric for loopFor counting numerically.
Example: Count from 1 to 5:
for i = 1, 5 do

Y Roblox Ultimate Lifting Simulator Codes

Generic for loopMost often used for object children.
Example: Print all children in object:
for i, child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
While loopPerform code until a condition is false.

Roblox Ultimate Lifting Simulator

Remove all children named 'Ball'
while object:FindFirstChild('Ball') do
Repeat­-until loopPerform code once, then again until a condition is true.
Ex.: Copy objects until there are 5.
newObject = object:Clone()
newObject.Parent = workspace
until #workspace:GetChildren() >= 5
Loops are used to iter­ate, or repeat code a number of times.

Function examples

function sayHello()
print('Hello, world')
function addTwoNumbers(a, b)
print('The sum is:', a + b)
addTwoNumbers(3, 5)
function calculateSquare(n)
return n * n
local result = calculateSquare(3)
A function is a named block of code that can be run anywhere in code by call­ing it by name. Functions can have argu­ments (given values) and/or return values.
Jan 5, 2021

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  • All Roblox Guides!

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