
Mar 24th, 2020

Learn a programming language that compiles to native code and is (preferably) natively compatible with the Windows operating system. High level languages such as Lua, Python or Go lacks the features and compatibility needed to develop Roblox exploits, whereas low level languages such as C/C and Ada can manipulate structures that are necessary to make a working hack. Map: bhopoverline Style: Normal Any Additional Information: Silent strafe (I'm not sure if 'invalid' is a real player or just a placeholder for a banned player but the run is still re-playable so imma just report this anyway just to be sure. If this was already reported and banned disregard this post).

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  1. local remoteEvent = Instance.new('RemoteEvent', game.Workspace)
  2. print(player)
  3. game.Workspace[player.Name]:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
  4. local OldCharacterLocation = OldCharacter.Torso.Position
  5. local NewCharacter = game.ServerStorage.NewCharacter:Clone()
  6. NewCharacter.Parent = game.Workspace
  7. local Humanoid = OldCharacter.Humanoid
  8. Humanoid.Parent = NewCharacter
  9. OldCharacter:Destroy()
  10. local SpawnGui = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild('SpawnGui')
  11. SpawnGui:Destroy()
  12. end
  13. function handleEvent(player, functionName, args)
  14. serverFunctions[functionName](player, args)
  15. end
  16. remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(handleEvent)
Middle Button (press on scroll wheel) to bhop.Roblox bhop commands

Roblox Bhop Script Pastebin

To adjust the speed and length of each strafe, look for the following block of text in the code:
moveCount := 25
sleepInterval := 2
relativeMove := 28

Adjust these variables to get different results until you find your favorite config. Or, if the existing config is good enough for you, do not edit any other pieces of code.How to play bhop roblox

Roblox Bhop Hack

If you do, it may break the script. Please note that this is only for testing purposes and that I am not responsible for any server bans or VAC bans (VAC is unlikely).

Bhop Roblox Script

Don't forget to give me feedback. It helps me improve.