Essential Objects

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ClassDesc­rip­tionPartA physical brick in the world.ModelA container for Parts.FolderA container for Scripts and value objects.ScriptA container for Lua source code.LocalS­criptA Script that runs its code on a client.

Basic math functions

Oper­ationDesc­rip­tiona + bAdds a and b.a - bSubtract a and b.a * bMultiply a and b.a / bDivides a by b.a % bRemainder of a divided by b.Func­tionDesc­rip­tionmath.random(n)Returns random number from 1 to n (no negati­ves).math.random(a, b)Returns random number from a to b.math.max(...)Returns the largest number.math.min(...)Returns the smallest number.math.floor(n)Rounds n down.math.ceil(n)Rounds n up.math.abs(n)Returns absolute value of n.math.sqrt(n)Returns square root of n.math.piApprox equal to 3.14159It's important to work out problems by hand before transl­ating their solutions into code. Algebra is necessary for success. Read about all math functions here.

String functions

Oper­ationDesc­rip­tiona .. bCombine two strings.Func­tionDesc­rip­tionstring.len(str)Returns length of str.string.upper(str)Returns str in upper-­case.string.lower(str)Returns str in lower-­case.string.reverse(str)Returns str in reverse.string.rep(str, n)Returns str repeated n timesstring.sub(str, a, b)Return sub-string of str from a to b.Aut beginner guide robloxA string is a collection of charac­ters, or text. An example of a string property is the Name property. Read all string manipu­lation functions here.


local list = {1, 2, 3}
local firstNum = list[1]
list[2] = 4
print('There are ' .. #list .. ' numbers')
local total = 0
for i = 1, #list do
total = total + list[i]
print('The total is ' .. total)
Tables are a collection of values. They are defined using curly braces {} with values separated by commas. Access the values inside using square brackets []. Tables are sometimes called arra­ys. Use a for loop to work with all items in a table indivi­dually. The :GetCh­ild­ren() method returns a table of children in an object.


gameParent of all game services.workspaceContainer for all bricks and models are stored.scriptThe currently running script.

Finding Objects

Use a period to access an object's children. Use .Parent to access an object's parent. Use constants like game, workspace, and script to identify objects in the hierarchy.

Creating objects

How do I create an object?Using Insta­­w(c­lass) and setting the parent:
object.Parent = parentHow do I access an object's proper­ties?Use a period (.):
print(object.Name)How do I set an object's proper­ties?Use a period (.) and equals sign (=):
Beginnerpart.Transparency = .5How do I destroy an object?Using objec­t:D­est­roy()How do I copy a preexi­sting object?Using objec­t:C­lone() and setting the parent:
newTree = workspace.Tree:Clone()
newTree.Parent = workspace

General Object Functions

Method nameDesc­rip­tion:FindFirstChild(name)Return a child with name or nil if it doesn't exist.:WaitForChild(name)Pauses until a child with a name exists and returns it.:IsA(className)Return whether the object is a certain type of object.:Clone()Makes and returns a copy of an object.:Destroy()Perman­ently delete an object.:GetChildren()Return a list of an object's children.These are functions (aka methods) for all classes of ROBLOX objects. Read about all methods here.

Event basics

function onTouch(part)
print(part.Name .. ' touched me!')
Events are specific occurr­ences relating to objects. When an event fires, or occurs, all connected functions are called.

Basic functions

wait(n)Wait n seconds then continue.print(...)Display something in the Output window.


local myScore = 5
myScore = myScore + 1
local myName = 'Ozzy'
print('My name is ' .. myName)
Variables store data of any kind - numbers, strings, tables, objects or nil (nothing). A local variable is only accessible in the block of code it is defined in.

If statements

if workspace:FindFirstChild('Tree') then
print('There is a tree here.')
if coins < 5 then
print('You need more money.')
print('You have enough money!')
if player.Name 'Jake' then
print('You are an awesome guy, Jake')
elseif player.Name 'Sally' then
print('You are a sweetheart, Sally')
print('You are a pretty cool person')
If statements will run their code if the value between if­/­then is true (or not nil). They can one an else block, or any number of elseif blocks.


Coding for beginners robloxNumeric for loopFor counting numerically.
Example: Count from 1 to 5:
for i = 1, 5 do
Generic for loopMost often used for object children.
Example: Print all children in object:
for i, child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
While loopPerform code until a condition is false.
Example: Remove all children named 'Ball'
while object:FindFirstChild('Ball') do
Repeat­-until loopPerform code once, then again until a condition is true.
Ex.: Copy objects until there are 5.
newObject = object:Clone()
newObject.Parent = workspace
until #workspace:GetChildren() >= 5
Loops are used to iter­ate

Roblox Beginner Guide

, or repeat code a number of times.

Function examples

function sayHello()
print('Hello, world')
function addTwoNumbers(a, b)
print('The sum is:', a + b)
addTwoNumbers(3, 5)
function calculateSquare(n)
return n * n
local result = calculateSquare(3)
A function is a named block of code that can be run anywhere in code by call­ing it by name. Functions can have argu­ments (given values) and/or return values.

One dream is all it takes to create a new world. Unity gives you the tools to make that dream a reality. You’ll find plenty of tips here on how to start making your first video game. Your background or skill set doesn’t matter: what counts is your drive to create!

Start creating with ready-made Unity Microgames. Each Microgame comes with its own collection of Mods: fun and easy customizations that also introduce you to game design, logic, visuals and more.

LEGO® Microgame

Start creating games with virtual LEGOⓇ bricks in our latest Microgame!

FPS Microgame

Blast cookies, add cute-but-deadly enemy robots and decorate your dungeon. Make the FPS Microgame your own.

2D Platformer Microgame

Get confetti everywhere, trip the light fantastic and put a spring in the step of your 2D character in this cute Platformer.

3D Karting Microgame

Plunk down some gummy bears, get the sparks to fly and add some bounce to your ride in this fun Karting game.

Every new game maker needs a community

The global Unity Community provides many ways for creators to connect with each other. For newcomers, we provide game jams, challenges, and Creator Groups (one each for the Karting, 2D Platformer, and FPS Microgames) that help you feel confident about sharing your first creations. Everyone is welcome!

Made with Unity — Norman’s Island by Little Mountain Animation

Start creating with Unity

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Unity is the most widely-used game creation platform in the world – 50% of all mobile games are made with it, 60% of Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality content is powered by Unity, and 'Unity developer' is #7 on the list of fastest-growing jobs in a recent LinkedIn U.S. Emerging Jobs report.

New creators can download Unity for free and begin with ready-made Unity Microgames and Mods. Learn with hundreds of free and affordable tutorials, courses, terms, and game kits, from both Unity and our amazing community.

Create a 2D video game

Unity is the #1 platform for creating both 2D and 3D video games. If your heart yearns for 2D, then learn more about how to make them here.

Code a video game in Unity

Are you curious about how to program games? We have plenty of resources that will teach you the basics of C# coding in Unity.

Make a 3D game in Unity

Unity offers a suite of tools to help you build your first 3D game. Start here to find out more about building the next immersive world for players to explore.

Sykoo Sam: Get started making games

Sykoo Sam is an online Unity evangelist who also has his own popular game dev channel. Here are his tips for new creators.

Thomas Brush: Watch this before making your first game

Thomas Brush has been making games for over 10 years and has oodles of wisdom to share with both beginner and experienced creators.

Dani: Game developer and student

YouTuber Dani shares snippets from his everyday life as a game dev student along with tips for creating games in Unity.

Blackthornprod: “I made a game in one week with Unity”

In this video, Blackthornprod shares how he made a game in one week in Unity.

Brackeys: How to make a video game

Check out this series from uber-popular Brackeys that takes you through the basic stages of making a game.

Mix and Jam: Recreate cool stuff from real games

Mix and Jam takes elements from his favorite games and shows you how to recreate them in Unity.

Game development tools

We have a few suggestions for some basic tools to start your journey into game development.

Become a successful game developer

It takes a certain mindset, some basic skills, and a few great resources to begin building your reputation as a game developer.

Level design tips

The path to designing top-notch levels for your games involves attention to detail and familiarizing yourself with some important concepts.

Getting into the game industry

The barrier for entry into the gaming industry is not as high as you may think. Here’s how to work your way towards it.

Is Unity good for 2D games?

Let’s talk about what makes 2D game development feature-rich, intuitive, and fun in Unity.

Using Blender and Maya with Unity

Blender and Maya are two popular pieces of animation software. Here’s how to use them with Unity.

5 Unity tutorials for new game developers

Some of our best content creators show you how to start making games in Unity.

Video game terminology

We've created a comprehensive list of terms from game development, Unity, and the gaming world to help you become an industry pro.

5 common new game developer mistakes

Becoming a game developer is exciting and rewarding. Doing things correctly from the start will save you headaches in the long run.

10 game design tips for new developers

Tips for every new video game developer as they begin their game design work.

Five compelling video game character types

We’ll talk about what makes a video game character compelling enough to make players feel attached to them.